Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What's Your Motivation

Against my better judgment, I went running again tonight. 2 miles in 24:13. I pushed myself pretty hard on this one and I'm sure I'll be feeling the pain tomorrow. I've run more in the last 36 hours than I did in the previous 5 years combined. Which leads me to this: If I can do it, anyone can. Even a lazy, fat ass like you. You just need to find the right motivation. What's my motivation, you ask? Well, I don't want to be the guy who can't fit into a booth at Portillo's, breathing heavily and sweating profusely while chomping down on a half-pound cheeseburger with a side of cheese fries. You know the guy I'm talking about. (By the way, I'm not bashing on fat people. I know that some people are genetically programmed to be fat.) Anyway, that's my motivation. Kicking Paul's ass in the race is just an added bonus. So, what's your motivation?

Gotta go. Time for my bath.

Go Illini!

1 comment:

Paul said...

Hey if there are any 2 mile races on this earth, you should join. Too bad there aren't any.